More efficient libraries and improved reader service
A RFID-based solution can make a big difference for inventorying in libraries and the whole work process there. It can inventory several thousands of books in less than an hour – and without even removing them from the shelves! You only aim the reader at the books which have an RFID tag and voila!
The RFID system for inventorying and identification helps you locate a book in a matter of seconds. You input the book title in your mobile device, press the “search” button and walk down the aisles. The reader will beep as soon as the searched book gets within range.
This, as well as the option for alert when the book leaves the library unregistered, prevents book theft and minimizes malpractices.
Two RFID-based solutions are heavily used in education: for inventorying and for identification. They allow you to be up-to-date about your fixed assets, help you organize your work in the library more efficiently, improve reader service and prevent book theft.
Management of fixed assets
The assets of an education establishment are regularly inventoried and the process sometimes takes days – unless you employ an RFID-based inventorying solution.
It is 20 times faster, saves time and efforts, and allows you to always know where an asset is to be found: maps, desks, exhibits, equipment, etc.
Contact us and we will discuss with you the automation of your education establishment and/or library.